What is a cash purchase? A cash purchase means the buyer is not using the subject property as collateral on a loan to buy it. 1. The buyer MAY be using an existing home equity line of credit (HELOC) on another home, to get the funds to buy the subject property....
Truly professional, top producing Real Estate Professionals are ones who…keep deals together. They routinely get all parties to the closing table by avoiding the following top 8 mistakes… Mistake #1 – Poor, incomplete, late, or last-minute…or ZERO communication. Not...
A land contract is nothing more than a rent-to-own agreement. It is NOT a purchase transaction, it IS an agreement to purchase the property at a future date. A land contract IS an agreement to purchase a property at a future date, at an already agreed-upon price,...
The only thing worse than bad news…is bad news later! Kill the monster while its small! Do NOT let it continue to grow, getting uglier and nastier every hour. Don’t put off sharing bad news. Don’t be afraid to address the potential “tough stuff”, gently, directly, and...
Property Taxes in Kentucky (Fayette Co. is below) 1. They are paid in arrears, annually, on a calendar year. 2. All bills get mailed out sometime during the month of October, by each county’s sheriff’s department. 3. Tax bills most always get mailed to whoever the...