Cash Purchases – Buyers’ agent.
You drive the bus. Send us the contract for our go-ahead. We can usually close 3-days later. We will get a HUD to you ASAP for you to review with your clients.
Financed Purchases – Buyers’ agent
Specifically request the buyer’s lender to use Jett Title for closing, as early as possible. Give them this email address to send their title order to:
When you are the LISTING agent…
On the first counter offer, add this to the contract: “Buyers and Sellers choose to use Jett Title for title work and closing. “. Ensure this is followed through by the buyers’ lender. Email them!
Arm yourself with this useful information
1. Real Estate Professionals’ AND buyers’ preference of title co. makes a difference to the lender: Even though lenders have the final say as to which title company is used, professional lenders will accommodate a Real Estate Professional’s choice of title company. Lenders should desire to make Real Estate Professionals happy, because lenders desire future referrals from you; and, because Jett Title has an excellent reputation.
2. Do not fall for these traps: You may get some initial push back if that lender, or loan officer, if the loan officer want’s to use his/her buddy instead. Most excuses any lender comes up with are easily over come:
- “My buddy’s fees will be lower” Nope: We will accept the title fees that the lender is used to putting on his/her loan estimates or worksheets.
- “My buddy will be faster and better” Nope: We are exceptionally fast and accurate, and have earned an exceptional reputation as such.
- “Jett is not on our ‘approved’ list of title companies.” Not likely, but we can get on an approved list usually be sending them one, standard email.
- “ They’re bad”, or any kind of negative untruth. Nope. We are highly respected by all parties in the market, even our strongest competitors. Negative untruths are an easy and unverifiable way to try to get you to use their title buddy. The “low road”.
- “I already ordered it thru my buddy’s title co. in error even though you chose Jett Title…and switching to Jett Title now will cost you money.” – Make no bones about it, lenders CAN switch the title/closing to Jett Title at NO COST TO YOU, in almost every case. If you are told that switching to Jett Title will cost you additional fees, tell them you will easily report them to the CFPB (The consumer watchdog for unscrupulous lenders.) HERE: